I am exited to report that I and my law firm, Cowherd PLC will have a new website, www.cowherdplc.com. The Words of Conveyance Blog is moving to the new website. The developer and I expect CowherdPLC.com to go live in the next couple days. If you are a subscriber to this blog and receive new […]
Many condominium unit owners experience water damage from leaks in pipes, walls or other common elements managed by the unit owners’ association. This happens in both new condominiums with construction defects and older associations with growing maintenance problems. Condominium associations have the privilege of controlling and the responsibility for maintaining the common elements. Unit owners […]
When landowners receive a notice from their county’s zoning compliance personnel alleging that a structure or use violates the local ordinance, often they wonder if they are being targeted differently than other members of the community. Such suspicions may arise when there is a dispute among neighbors. Immediately, the landowner must consider whether the violation […]
Many owners want to know what options they have to overturn bad board decisions without using litigation and when waiting to the annual director election isn’t an option. This raises the issue of what legally binding results “community organizing” can accomplish when the board majority appears to have already made up their mind. Many try […]
According to trade association data, approximately 1,980,000 Virginians live in 778,000 homes in more than 8,7000 community associations (HOAs, condominiums, etc.). In the District of Columbia, approximately 111,000 residents live in 48,000 homes located in more than 1,300, community associations. The “common interest” community model of land development is particularly prevalent in the national capital […]