Following enactment of 2020 General Assembly legislation, most HOAs and condominiums in Virginia carry on business through “remote” videoconferencing technology such as Zoom, WebEx and Microsoft Teams. Because of the Coronavirus, Americans of all ages are now more familiar with this technology. In the HOA context, boards and committees use remote hearings to decide matters […]
Successful athletes, owners and coaches share a passion for winning. In 2020, ESPN aired a documentary about Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls basketball dynasty. Cancellation of professional sports during the Coronavirus is a disappointment to many Americans. Basketball Hall of Famer Steve Nash once said, “Nothing is black-and-white, except for winning and losing, and maybe that’s […]
September is when students go back to school. My daughter recently started at a new daycare. I feel like I have gone back to school too. Her school’s daily procedures are as new to me as they are to my daughter. One back-to-school activity is “Show and Tell.” Show and Tell is a great introductory […]
Experienced trial lawyers know that judges disfavor parties using litigation as a means of inflicting extra punishment on their opponent beyond the outcome of the case. Lawyers and their clients are supposed to use claims, defenses, motions and other procedures for their intended purposes of working justice. Real estate and construction litigation is an emotional […]
Homeowners often acquire the impression that the HOA Board of Directors and property managers act in unison. However, there are often dissenting directors in homeowners associations. Homeowners seek changes to improve their community. Enough of her neighbors agree to get her elected at the annual meeting. Once they attend their first Board meeting as a […]